Monday, 15 September 2014

Ian Paisley - The Death of A Titan Of Northern Irish Politics.

Ian Paisley, one of Northern Ireland's most famous political leaders, has passed away at the age of 88.

A Norn Iron News Obituary

Before entering Politics, Paisley formed the Free Presbyterian Church Of Ulster who are frankly a little bit extreme with their views.  Homosexuals are going to hell, the Pope is the Antichrist, that sort of thing.
He then got into politics and single handedly held off peace in Northern Ireland for an entire generation.  It's safe to say that up until the very late 90s and early 2000's he was a bit of a roadblock for any constructive political discourse in Northern Ireland due to his rabid hatred of the Shinners.
Then he ended up being First Minister. I can't be bothered to look up how this happened. Voted in or something i suppose.  He and his deputy, Shinner Martin McGuinness (pictured below)
Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness showing off his proficiency with a water pistol

became known as the chuckle brothers.  Two men who were at odds through much of their political careers had become best of friends.

It's safe to say that old Paisley had mellowed out  a lot.  Power sharing, friends with his nemesis.  Whether or not his later work undoes the problems he caused in the 70's, 80's and 90's remains to be seen but most people agree that a key figure in the history of Norn Iron has passed away.

Paisley - A Life In Pictures

A Restored early photo of Ian Paisley.  His first word - NO

One of his early Speeches.  The transcription can be found online but it can be summarised as "No,. Never. Never. Never"

Paisley & McGuinness enjoying a moment, preparing to take on The Alliance Party.

Ian Paisley - 1926-2014

In the interests of not showing political bias, please enjoy this photograph of current First Minster, Peter Robinson, also holding a (much larger) water pistol.

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