Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Flegs Cause Yet More Trouble

Offensive Fleg

Police were called to a house in Holywood on Sunday when a complaint was received about an offensive flag flying outside someones house.  

The local resident, who chose not to be named for various reasons, put it up to show support for national ball/stick game hero Rory McIlroy and the European team in the Ryder Cup.

One of his neighbours reported to the police that an 'Arabic flag' was being flown and that he found it offensive and the police responded for some reason.

No-one is entirely sure why an Arabic flag would be offensive the first place to cause a police response.  If he was flying the Swastika to show his support of Hitler, then that could be cause for alarm but....

The only Arabic flag to bear any resemblance to the European flag is the flag of Somalia which looks like this.

We took to the streets of Belfast and asked the locals to pick out the Somali Flag from a selection of Flags and this was the common response:


The fact the man made the report in the first place shows that he isn't bright enough to know what the Somali Flag looked like so this seems like typical Northern Irish Fleg Outrage.

In a country where we see Union Flegs, Tricolours, Israeli Flegs, Palestine Flegs, Italian Flegs and Ivory Coast Flegs regularly flown this is somehow offensive enough to make a call to the police who then actually sent out officers.

As the man who was supporting Rory said, "You couldn't make it up"*

* i am loathe to use that sentence, it sounds far too Daily Mail-esque

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