We have got an exclusive unedited excerpt from tomorrows column in the Bel Tel from Arlene Foster. Be sure to pick up the paper or, if you're a modern idiot who enjoys terrible journalism for a monthly fee, subscribe on their website to read the articles and still get advertised to!
My name is Arlene and i have a story to tell you.
In June of 2020 while we were in a pandemic, a man died. Honestly, i don't know who he is or what his deal was, only that themmuns loved him.
We'd just told everyone to stay at home and behave themselves. We put the toasters in the cupboards where they belong and stayed indoors. Catch it, bin it, kill it. Hands, Face, Space. Sinn Fein, IRA, beardy Gerry.
All of themmuns went to his funeral. Literally forty hundred thousand people, all out on the streets. Some of those people were shinners who, just days before, said not to gather in large groups.
The hypocrisy of them. The utter gall! The DUP are many things but we are certainly not hypocrites.
The PSNIRA were in Belfast giving fines out to peaceful protestors, but did they do anything at all about this funeral? I mean, yes..sure, they gathered evidence and passed it all to the Public Prosecution Service who decided not to press any charges but this is clearly the PSNIRA at work, protecting their friends.
We have carefully explained this in the young DUP weekly meetings to our members who still have no fucking clue what this is all about were absolutely aghast and decided to take this to the streets to peacefully protest. Translink had the audacity to try and run their normal bus route nearby so they kindly asked the driver to leave. It is fortunate that they did as the bus inexplicably went on fire.
The PSNIRA then turned up and looked at our brave loyalists with funny eyes and obviously they reacted poorly. Trying to set the police on fire when they look at you is our god given right as loyalists.
So you see, Belfast, Newtownabbey, Carrick and LONDONderry being on fire isn't anything to do with my party stoking tensions. This is clearly all a direct result of the actions of Sinn Fein. If pretending that this is all their fault is wrong, i don't want to be right.
Blaming anyone but the shinners reflects poorly on the poor loyalists and on the honest and hard working members of the DUP who have spent the last few weeks stirring the shit out of the pot to get people angry calling for calm.
This is not protest. This is vandalism and attempted murder. These actions do not represent unionism or loyalism. They are an embarrassment to Northern Ireland and only serve to take the focus off the real law breakers in Sinn Fein.
— Arlene Foster #WeWillMeetAgain (@DUPleader) April 7, 2021
My thoughts are with the bus driver. https://t.co/2JRcOb6s8C
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