Thursday, 24 July 2014


It's been a thrilling week in sport. Rory McIlroy won some sort of stick/ball based game and shunned a child, some cars drove around in Germany, Manchester United defeated LA Galaxy's reserve squad so are basically going to win the Premier League next season and the City of Glasgow has sobered up for a few weeks to host the Commonwealth Games.

The Commonwealth Games: A Brief History.
The Commonwealth Games began in 1930 as a way for the British to remind people that we once owned them. In the first few games, known as The British Empire Games, countries competed under the original names given to them by the British Empire.  These included:

Australia - Criminal Island
Canada - That cold place above the Americas that we didn't want because it was too cold
New Zealand - Small empty place just beside Criminal Island
India - TEA!!
Ireland - The Irish Free State
Scotland - That shit place above England
Wales - That shit place west of England
Northern Ireland - That violent place North Of Ireland that we don't really want but seem to have ended up with even though most of them don't want to be here.

and 44 other places we can't be bothered to name.

After spending a paltry 575 million on the games, so far they've been a roaring success with the home nations winning....well, no medals have formally been awarded yet but i'm sure there'll be loads.

Winners will be awarded chocolate medals and the usual champagne spraying has been replaced with the more customary local tradition of Irn Bru or Buckfast.

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