Saturday, 26 July 2014

Britain A Nation Of Perverts & Sexual Deviants

Recent figures released by OFCOM show that Britain is a nation of perverts and sexual deviants as only 13% of new internet users agreed to opt in to the porn filters put in place by ISPs.  
The filters have been slowly rolling out since last July under David Camerons "OH MY GOD WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN...not that way, Rolf" bill.

A little bit of background on the 'OMGWSPTOTCntwr' bill first:
Porn. Porn is everywhere. A Google search for even the most innocent of things such as 'deer frolicking in a meadow' will bring up reams and reams of hardcore pornography.
Of course, this isn't true but David Cameron and his Daily Mail brigade would have you believe as much.  
The filters block porn and about 1/4 of other sites on the internet that they consider 'adult content' (which can include sites such as blogger, reddit and imgur). 

The filter has not yet made it to existing customers who will have to opt in/out. The previously held assumption that brits would be too polite to say 'bring on the porn' has been disproved so far.  Censoring the internet in such a way is seen as a step too far by many but there is a chance a lot of people who aren't overly familiar with the internet won't realise their content is being blocked at all.  

So PlusNet, when the time comes and you ask me...bring on the porn.

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