Friday, 13 January 2012

NornIronNews - Review Of The Year 2011 - In Pictures

2011 In Pictures - Because i'm too lazy to write words.

2011 was a bit of a mad one, a shit load of stuff happened:

The Arab Spring began with uprisings in Egypt.
Man running away like an Egyptian

There were terrible natural disasters leading onto horrible man-made disasters.
Residents of Fukushima Zoo

Bono made it through another year

Some people i don't care about got married, and there was something to do with an arse.
Royal Wedding

Team America took out the worlds most wanted man
Fuck Yeah!!

England burst into flames
What do we want?
Free shit!
When do we want it?

Lots of famous people died
Jingle Jangle
*insert rehab joke here*
*insert I-something joke here*

Importantly, this woman did not die - so breaking the Curse of The Golden Girls
This woman will outlive you

Lots of people sat down in lots of cities to achieve...something?
Jobless Bearded Hippy protesting

Daffy Duck Died
You're Despicable! 

Team America Struck Again and took out Kim Jong Il
Here to save the mother fucking day, yeah!

Portugal, Ireland (Italy) and Greece fucked the up the Euro for everybody
mmmmm P.I.G

But its OK, the Germans are going to fix it all again
The only way to deal with Europe is to Annex the whole lot.

Thats it - thats the news for 2011.  Nothing else happened, no matter what anyone else tells you

So 2012 is upon us

and i feel it may be time for a review of the news for 2011.  Stay tuned.

(i'd also like to note, i've been looking at the cool new statistics function on blogger and impressed at the number of readers in various parts of the world. local news ftw)