Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Drumglass Park to be renamed "Michael Stone Recreational Area"

Drumglass Park on the Lisburn Road in Belfast is to be renamed the "Michael Stone Recreation Area".  The convicted murderers name was put forward by members of the local fun and activity group, the UVF.

While this may seem tasteless to many, the trend was started by the Newry & Mourne District Council when they renamed a local park "Raymond McCreesh Park" after the convicted IRA Man.  McCreesh died while hunger striking in 1981.

Local councils all over the country are now considering renaming parks in the same fashion.  Not because they want to play petty games, but because it is apparently now appropriate. Please see below for the full list of parks to be renamed throughout 2013.

Bobby Sands Memorial Park (Formerly St Columbs Park)
King Rat Recreation Area (Formerly Ormeau Park)
Michael McKevitt, Liam Campbell, Colm Murphy and Seamus Daly Park (Formerly Falls Park)
Special Branch Square (Formerly Custom House Square)

Many more parks are set to be renamed once they can decide on the least appropriate name for them.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

So - lets just pretend there hasn't been yet another huge gap between postings again.  It's been an uneventful summer. Very little happened in the world of sport, things have been quiet in the middle east and there haven't been any political scandals in either Northern Ireland or the rest of the world.

So back to semi-regular updates (at least until i get bored/too sick/too busy again).

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Tech News

Don't get the reference? Then you're not the nerd you thought you were (UK Nerds Only).

In what is probably the most important period in the history of the Internets since Al Gore invented it, things are kicking off big style with a whole lot of shit about privacy, PIPA, censorship, SOPA, MegaUpload, MegaVideo, MegaSaurus Rex, Megasus, streaming, downloading and the remaining parts of the 1% of things on the internet that aren't pornography.

The FBI took all the mega related websites offline due to illegal activities.  If Hollywood has taught me anything (and it has taught me so much) is that american law enforcement agencies are huge into their jurisdictions, so it's come as a massive surprise that the FBI can now operate in New Zealand to shut down these file sharing sites.  Despite the fact that Mega Upload was used for things other than 'copyright material', its been taken down and all data is likely to be deleted from the servers (unless of course it can be used to put these MONSTERS behind bars) so lots of actual non 'criminals' have lost their work.

Of course the good people of Anonymous/Anon-ops have been fighting back for the little guy by taking down various US Goverment Websites, the RIAA, Universal Music and MPAA.

More or less the argument boils down to - should we be able to what ever we want on the internet, or should it be regulated and censored?

 Or In Picture form  - 
Couldn't find the pictures i wanted. In the mean time, please enjoy this kitten as a placeholder for the photos that i will forget to make/find and add at a later date.  Though in fairness, if the internet is heavily regulated and censored, there could be a massive reduction in the number of pictures of cute kittens - the minute someone goes on a kitten murdering spree, all the photos will be taken off the internet by governments because the person who gets caught will be found with LOLCats on their internet favorites and the only logical conclusion people in power seem to come up with is THE INTERNET/VIDEO GAME/SONG* made me do it.

*delete as appropriate

Financial News

In short - Greece is about to fuck up the entire Eurozone, Ireland will go back to the Potato (a joke NEVER used before on this site), Italy will fall, petrol prices will rise and eventually it will be more valuable than gold, leading to a mad-max style situation except less anti-Semitism  Mel Gibson. If the Euro goes, the Pound Stirling will probably collapse, followed by the (US) Dollar until Asian and Australia are the only dominant financial powers.  Leading economist and futurist Russell Grant has predicted Asia will win and eventually the Chinese will rise to power, only to be toppled by Kim Jong Un finally making a decision (The decision being where to set down his glass of soju - on top of a big red coaster that looks suspiciously like a big red button that one should never touch unless absolutely sure that the destruction of the world is correct decision to make).


So, 2012 is upon us and i really haven't be arsed to post any news, what with being busy and all, so here's a bit of stuff thats happened so far (i say so far - just stuff thats happened over the last few days because January 2012 was incredibly uneventful, news wise)

Friday, 13 January 2012

NornIronNews - Review Of The Year 2011 - In Pictures

2011 In Pictures - Because i'm too lazy to write words.

2011 was a bit of a mad one, a shit load of stuff happened:

The Arab Spring began with uprisings in Egypt.
Man running away like an Egyptian

There were terrible natural disasters leading onto horrible man-made disasters.
Residents of Fukushima Zoo

Bono made it through another year

Some people i don't care about got married, and there was something to do with an arse.
Royal Wedding

Team America took out the worlds most wanted man
Fuck Yeah!!

England burst into flames
What do we want?
Free shit!
When do we want it?

Lots of famous people died
Jingle Jangle
*insert rehab joke here*
*insert I-something joke here*

Importantly, this woman did not die - so breaking the Curse of The Golden Girls
This woman will outlive you

Lots of people sat down in lots of cities to achieve...something?
Jobless Bearded Hippy protesting

Daffy Duck Died
You're Despicable! 

Team America Struck Again and took out Kim Jong Il
Here to save the mother fucking day, yeah!

Portugal, Ireland (Italy) and Greece fucked the up the Euro for everybody
mmmmm P.I.G

But its OK, the Germans are going to fix it all again
The only way to deal with Europe is to Annex the whole lot.

Thats it - thats the news for 2011.  Nothing else happened, no matter what anyone else tells you

So 2012 is upon us

and i feel it may be time for a review of the news for 2011.  Stay tuned.

(i'd also like to note, i've been looking at the cool new statistics function on blogger and impressed at the number of readers in various parts of the world. local news ftw)